Welcome Chattanooga Bar Association Members
Discovering Connections LLC has partnered with the Chattanooga Bar Association to bring CBA members the best forensic genealogical research at a discounted rate.
CBA members will receive a 10% discount on our hourly rate for missing and unknown heir research.
Chattanooga Bar Association Members just mention during your first phone consultation that you are a CBA member and you will automatically receive this discount.
Learn more about Discovering Connections and schedule your free phone consultation online today.
Why Choose Discovering Connections LLC?
Discovering Connections LLC is a locally owned forensic genealogy business that specializes in assisting attorneys locate missing and unknown heirs for estate cases.
We conduct thorough family history research and construct a family tree for the decedent. We will provide you with a fully cited research report or affidavit of due diligence, depending on your needs and the needs of the court, which also includes last known addresses for all living next-of-kin.
We work closely with you and tailor our services to your specific needs to help you solve your heir search case accurately and efficiently.
Note: This Family Tree Chart is a representation of our work, but all names are fictious in order to protect the privacy of living individuals.